Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's day in the first grade world

Oh how things change after 12 years together and three kids!
Instead of a romantic evening out, we had a family date night at a Mexican restaurant.  (Gus won for eating the most beans and rice.)
my three little Valentines
Porter's school Valentine's party was today. 
They passed out Valentines, ate treats and played Valentine BINGO.

I told him not to break too many hearts today. :)

Here's how I made the candy bouquet for his teacher:
 I put gummy hearts and marshmallow hearts on skewers,
 then arranged them and wrapped a rubber band around to hold them together.
 I added on some Red Vines with another rubber band,
and then covered it with a plastic bag and tied on some Valentine-y ribbon.

I hope you had a Happy Heart Day!

4 witty remarks:

Shanna said...

Love your candy bouquet- Pinned it ;-)

Jane Anne said...

Very, very cute! Love the bouquet!

Thomas came home today and said, "Mrs. Henry wants to know if you are a pinner... what does that mean?"

Hard to believe that in his class, we were the only ones that made valentines.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED LOVED LOVED the swedish fish on the top of mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-G- said...

LOVE. and i'm taking applications for my room mom for next year...where do you live again? LOL