Monday, January 9, 2012

2 AM at my house and a couple of recent discoveries

Like I said
{2:00 AM} Monday morning:
Kid #1: barfing
Kid #2: "Is it time to get up for school yet?"
Kid #3: "Waaaahhhh!"
Lovely Hubby: "Zzz..."

RD {just 2, it's been a slow week}
1.  There is a direct correlation between having my coupon binder in order and feeling like my life is in order.
2.  The children in this house insist on watching the most obnoxious shows on TV.  Their newest favorite is Ant Farm, which seriously has the most annoying girl.of all time.
 Happy Monday!

4 witty remarks:

Meredith said...

Sounds all too familiar! Tell me more about that coupon binder!

Ahhh Mom said...

Love your blog :)

samantha said...

Ant Farm soundtrack is on repeat over here. HMMM maybe Porter needs a copy for his birthday ;)

TLF said...

I can not stand those tween disney shows.. they make me want to stab my eyes AND my ears.. at the same time!

Also, I'm in love with your binder! I need to hop back on the q wagon. I just seriously need more hours in the day. And a printer at home. Haha!!