Thursday, October 27, 2011

porter says

"Nope, I already ate 'em all."
(when asked if he needed his fingernails trimmed)

4 witty remarks:

Brekke said...

Hahaha!! Gotta love little boys :)

Melinda G. said...

Yes...Carson chewed his fingernails and toenails for the longest time. He's almost 8-years-old now and I noticed the other day his nails were getting long. Soooo...I mentioned how he chews them off. Oh no, he doesn't do that anymore AND he doesn't ever remember chewing on his toenails....weird:/, but he liked the story about it.

Kelli W said...

Too funny! When it comes time to cut fingernails at our house Grant never needs his cut either:)

Meredith said...

Hmmmm. . .would I be considered a bad mom if I encouraged Caden to do this? (jk)I can't keep up with his nails!