Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oscar opinions 2011

...because when you look like this,
you're allowed to have an opinion about anything you please!
We'll make this short and sweet.
I'll give you my first thought:
too much spray tan
not enough spray tan
by far, 
cutest girl and best dressed!
scary lady
this confuses me
I feel like she wears the same dress to every awards show
bed head

Not too impressed this year.

6 witty remarks:

Kelli W said...

Jennifer Hudson's boobs weirded me out! I think she looks great since she has lost weight, but those boobs were so strange! And EEK! I don't think I would have notice the hair of the last one because the dress is so bad!!

TLF said...

1. You look fantastic! I'm loving orange on you!
2. I'm not a fan of Gwyn's dress but I don't mind her tan.
3. YES!! Anne NEEDED a tan, something fierce!
4. Jennifer Hudson's dress was cut way weird. And I thought her boobs were too small for the dress. ha!
5. I didn't like Reese's hair.
6. Sharon Stone looked like Cruella D'evil from 101 Dalmations.
7. I loved the color of ScarJo's dress.. but that's it.

Pam said...

I didn't watch this year so I've been loving all the post award show stuff... I totally heart Reese in ANYTHING, and seriously... poor JH's boobs. not cool.

marilynl said...

What about Michelle Williams? I thought she looked fabulous. Very understated but beautiful.

Unknown said...

I just have one thing to say to you! I LOVE YOU! LOL

Jami said...
