Friday, October 16, 2009

My Daughter???

No Way.

7 witty remarks:

Traci said...

Looks like you have a perfect 3 year old!

Jessica said...


Jen @ said...

Sounds like my daughter. She is 4 and wants everything her way too!


Kristin said...

I received a similar report for my 2nd grader this week - not quite as cute on a 7 year old (eeek!) Looks like everyone was having a 'chatty' week!

adrienne said...

hey girl, can you email me your email address or send it to dave's facebook? I can't find it? Also do you have ramies, ashley's, or chandler's email addresses? I gotta get everyone back in the blog loop:)

Anonymous said...

Looks like she defiantely takes after her mom.

The Fair Family Times said...

Jill this reminds me of you in school! I love it! My daughter is a mini-me too. I actually feel sorry for her!