Those aren't Michael's biological children?
Because they look exactly like him?
If they wear Halloween masks maybe nobody will notice?

Is it complicated?
Too complicated to get a haircut?
Did you not get my message last season?

You're excited about your new life?
Really, Jon?
You're only 32?
You didn't realize when you got married at 22 that 10 years later you would be 32?
Your kids are your #1 priority?
17 witty remarks:
I know, right?!!
I love this! Your are too funny Jill!
mmmmm... you know thats right! Why do we allow our selves to get sucked into there drama? ugh I can't ... look ... away!!!
Thank you!! I feel the same way about Jon!! Not so fond of him lately. He sure is making Kate look good! :-)
Jill, if only you spent half as much time with your kids as you do blogging. Seriously.
What is with the jerks today? I know who you are! (Justin/Jason) And you spend a lot of time reading my posts I might add!
Your post was funny, so there. Sheesh. : )
My favorite thing is anonymous people that leave rude comments. Geez
Keep this up! You make me laugh. I even love those comments to Justin/Jason - I mean to the anonymous commenters.
I loved this post! But I started to cry why I was laughing when I read the comments!!! I do have to tell you this one was not Justin! Sorry to disapoint. He said he may need to start leaving more comments though so watch OUT =)
You think your own brother-in-law would tell you to "get a life"?
Where's the love?
I'm boycotting now
Ok I take back what I said about Jason/Justin. I've come to the conclusion that it was Danielle! Sorry for any confusion.
jill, u are so so funny! I read your blog for a shot of humor in my life. Your blog is a blessing! Keep it coming girl:)
who is denise?
It was actually NOT me!
The only reason I was aware of this is because Kaylee stalks your blog everyday and told me! We think its Nate!
After doing some detective work, I would like to add my opinion. I seriously think it is the same "anonymous" that was harassing MiMi's blog a couple of weeks ago.....just sayin'
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