Monday, July 2, 2012


NOTE: Nate was really concerned about the last picture I posted of Brooklyn and that people might think our walls looked really bad...I told him I'm pretty sure my readers recognized that I just did an artsy effect to the picture...right? 

Speaking of Nate...
Who needs Magic Mike or 50 Shades of Grey when I've got this guy?!

Makes Mama Happy (MMH)

Sunday night:
a glass of red wine, a new RHONJ, and a stack of coupon inserts ready for clipping

Adorable.  And not too scary for my 5 and 7 year olds (like we had been warned)

Pinterest cleaning tips that really work: 
Mix white vinegar with Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle.  Spray all over bathtub and let sit for 30 minutes.  Then just wipe clean.  Overwhelmingly smelly in a small windowless bathroom, but gets the tub clean.
Busy baby: 
I brought August's carseat in for something and it's been keeping him totally entertained!

2 witty remarks:

Macey said...

Seriously, Nate cracks me up. LOVE that shirt. :)

Denissa said...

HAHA, Love your MMH posts everytime.
Amen to the pic of Nate and comment about the books & movie. OVER everyone going crazy for them..
And I wish that something that cleaned as great as vinegar smelled good!