Thursday, August 25, 2011

is it just me orrrrr...

Does Benicio del Toro look like Brad Pitt on a bad day???
Does MTV just not have anything good to offer anymore?
Well, I guess there is still "Teen Mom", speaking of which, if you knew you were going to be filmed lying in your bed for a tv show, wouldn't you at least put a sheet on your mattress?
And if your cry looked like this,
wouldn't you make sure to not cry on camera?
Do you feel like nothing you create is original because you copied it off Pintrest?
Are you afraid to quit breastfeeding because you don't want your yucky girl stuff to come back? 
Okay, yeah...that's probably just me...
Does Taylor Swift (or "Taylor Swiss" as Brooklyn says) have the catchiest tunes?  Love her.
AND, is this not the best entertainment ever???

7 witty remarks:

Anonymous said...
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Liz said...

seriously. I was watching the dancing show last night about Abby dance studios. My husband came upstairs, and walked right back down. He's had to live through 1 episode so now he knows better. But seriously. And how did we come up with any clever ideas before pinterest??

TLF said...

hahaha-- your posts crack me up!!

And YES!!! I was thinking the exact same thing.. Amber NEVER has sheets on her bed!

Meredith said...

I tried to join Pinterest and was put on a waiting list; do you know anything about this?!

The Mama said...

Once again, I agree with everything you say!! LOL about pinterest!!!

Anonymous said...

You just crack me up! I love the commentary. Yes, Farrah is the ugliest cryer ever, Amber needs help in many areas and is Cathy not the worst dance mom ever?

Joey said...

I'm so glad someone else thinks that Farrah cries like a sea urchin! It makes me so uncomfortable to watch her cry!Yuck!