Each year the schools in our community give out the
Junior Optimist Youth Attitude awards.
Only six kids from Porter's school were chosen
and Porter was one of them.
Here is the description of the award recipient:
Optimistic students are happy, kind, thoughtful, caring, helpful and hope filled.
Optimistic students have giving hearts, creative minds and serving souls.
Optimistic students contribute happiness, peace and productivity to their classrooms and their school.
It makes me feel all warm inside that he was chosen as the Kindergarten student!
He shook hands with the fire chief, police chief, county commissioner, district attorney, city manager, circuit court judge, mayor, state representative, sheriff and school superintendent.
(Thank goodness he remembered to shake with his right hand, because some kids did not!)
What was really special was that he got to share the honor with his cousin/best friend Henry!
I'm so proud of my nephew too!
Porter with his principal.
Everyone got ice cream after the ceremony.
Jason, Lori and Hank
This boy is so special,
I can't believe he is turning 6 next week!
We've got a big bowling party planned for this weekend!
5 witty remarks:
brag away! that is wonderful!
That is awesome! Congrats! That is definately something to brag about:)
What a proud momma you must be! You guys are amazing parents--here's living proof:) Way to go, entire Barnes family!
That is awesome Jill!! Congrats! :) my son was chosen for student of the month, I was so proud too! :)
Wow. That is definitely something to be proud of! How awesome. Go Porter!
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