Monday, December 20, 2010

all aboard the Polar Express!

Whew, we took a long trip to the North Pole yesterday.  The kids had a fabulous time but Mommy & Daddy are exhausted! 
Christmas is this week!
Still so much to do:
more baking,
more wrapping,
just one more gift to buy,
office party,
grocery shopping for Christmas eve appetizers and Christmas dinner
So much fun ahead!
I even drank coffee today, just half of a cup, I know, bad Mama!  I need something to keep this sluggish body moving this week!

 All aboard!
 jammies only on the Polar Express!
Nani & Papa with the Grandkids waiting to board.
Thanks Nani & Papa for a great gift!
I think someone's excited!
 Looking for Santa and the elves
Tickets please!
Hot chocolate!
The first gift of Christmas
A bell from Santa's sleigh
Can't wait for Christmas!

3 witty remarks:

Shirley Casey said...

Hi Jill! Could you post the info on your fun train ride? Is there a website? I would love to do this with my kids! Maybe next year at this point. ;O) Thanks!

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Here you go Shirley:

TLF said...

Oh my, how fun!! I didn't know there was a real deal Polar Express!!