Thursday, February 25, 2010

Crappy Mom Day

Today was just one of those days.
It started out good because I put on an aqua cardi and then remembered that I had leftover scraps of red fabric with white polka dots with which I made this flower pin. 
You would think the day would just keep getting better after that combo. 
Well it didn't.
The always lovely Blanche had a field trip that I was going to attend with her. 
Let's just say she pulled one of her "I'm going to act like a huge whiny brat" acts and I had no choice but to escort her out after thirty minutes. 
I brought her straight home for a nap and decided I needed one myself. (I had previously woken up at 2 AM with a soaking wet leg because someone had decided to crawl into my bed to cuddle with me but removed their Pull-Up prior to that.)
In order to facilitate my nap, I let Porter play Ninja Turtle Smash Up for two hours straight. 
Be easy on me, I feel horrible (horribly?) about it.
I promise I'm not going to let him play it for the next week.
And we're going to read tons of books at bedtime.

10 witty remarks:

Macey said...

Aww! I'm sorry you had a bad day.
Kolton decided to be a whiny butt at the field trip on Tuesday. I swear, if I wouldn't have been there he would have been good!

Macey said...

Also, yesterday he played 2 1/2 hours of Mario Kart...and I was awake. Bah.

samantha said...

The combo is very nice!!

Kristen Ann said...

ooooh I know those kind of days. I think Cason has played computer games(on pbs) once for like three hours. It was just SO peaceful. My justification was that it was "educational" :)

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Believe or not, these days will be your best memories . . you'll be laughing your head off one day when you look back! Enjoy and cherish them . . . meanwhile just go crazy! :O)

Melinda G said...

But you had a cute cardie with an adorable fabric flower on it. I'd say there are a million moms out there that have had the same kind of days....and don't beat yourself up because you let him play video games. Sometimes you got to do what it takes to gather you sanity. :)

Jami said...

I hope your day gets better. And I love the aqua/ red with white polka dots combo. I may be borrowing that...

My Princess had a tantrum at Daisies one time and I sent her out of the room. The parents all thought I was so "tough". Sometimes you just have to do what needs to be done. Even if that means a nap and Ninja Turtles!


Anonymous said...

I love love love your color combo!

Seth said...

Horrible was correct

Room to Inspire said...

I agree, aqua and red with white polka dots looks great! I love that you just had some left over scraps that you transformed into a pin! I say that is surely a great way to start the day.
