She wants everyone to link up and rattle off the prices of each item in a room. Well, I loooooove to brag about my cheap-o decor so this party was a no brainer. Compared to the just torn from a magazine photos from everyone else, mine are sort of laughable, but I just took some quick pics after throwing the whole mess down the hall. I realize I could have "staged" the room a little better, but I was dealing with a 4 year old's 2 year old style tantrum.
2. Target bookshelf:~$200. I really wish we would have bought one more.
3. My favorite birthday gift my in-laws have ever given me:$50 from Ross. Nate Berkus informed me that he doesn't like rug on rug so much but there is one way in and one way out of this room and there would be a hole in the carpet by now.
4. tray:$1 garage sale. crystal candle sticks:wedding gift. birdcage:free. picture frames:Walmart $3. sign:~$20 from The Country House. (I revamped it on the cheap.)
5. cupboard door:$7.99 Goodwill. plate:$10 TJ Maxx. glass hurricane:bridal shower game prize.
6. crazy dripping wreath:Goodwill $6.99

2. side table from Target <$100. We bought it when we got the armoire and bookshelf. lamp:~$20 from Walmart. plate:one of a set from Goodwill $4.99. star:$0.25. candle:$0.25 both garage sale finds from my mother. dishtowel:$2.99 Creative Crafts.
3. Walmart curtains:<$15 per panel. I embellished the bottom with toile I had. The rod came with the house, I just spray painted it black.
4. hutch:my Grandma's. shutter:$10 antique store. window:found in my driveway. the rest of the knickknacks:~$10.00 total.
5. bawling boy:thousands
6. light switch plate:$1.99 Goodwill. clock:came with the house.

2. rocker:$100 Toys R Us. Nate bought it for me the Christmas I was pregnant with Porter. I sprayed it black and recovered the cushions with $9.99 curtains from Goodwill. pillow:$3.99 and 50% off from Goodwill. footstool:garage sale find years ago (can't remember the price).
3. couch:one of the first things we bought for our first house, ~$500 from a chain furniture store. flowered pillows:$3.00 each from Trash to Treasure. striped pillows:Walmart. throw:gift from Mervyns.
4. window:free. family sign:birthday gift. the black sign:I made for ~$15.00. frames:Walmart & Target. lamp:my sister bought it for me when I lived in an apartment. I can't remember where I bought the shade. wreath:$1.99 Goodwill. side table/bench:$1.00 garage sale.
5. Strawberry Shortcake book:$1.00

2. toy basket:Ross
3. little girl:priceless.
Wow, that was a lot of work trying to recall prices.
I like to call my decorating style "cozy comfy cottage". The two people that would tell me the truth say that I've achieved that but they would also add "cluttered".
13 witty remarks:
I think it's adorable and cozy and homey! I now need to visit to see all your neat items in person! :)
Yeah, I'll be over with Jess. I wanna see it all for reals. All of your stuff is super cute, but I especially love the bawling boy.
Target has great prices on Armoires. Love yours!
I love how you included the items like "Star Wars gun" and your crying child!
HA HA HA! Love how you numbered your little girl as priceless~LOL! NICE TOUCH! (((((HUGS)))))) sandi
your house was bought thrifty style like mine!!!
and i absolutely love that you numbered the kiddos!
Hi girlie! I'm loving your style... oneday you know you are going to come across one of those Target bookcases at a Gsale! You'll get it for a song and a dance!
I'm crushin on you style (seriously we should be related)
You impress and inspire me (always). I can't remember the price of gas much less how much I a paid for everything. Of course, I am not as good as getting deals as you either. Love the prices of your children!!
I think you are right - your space is cozy comfy cottage. Love that window above the couch!
LOL at the Star Wars gun and Strawberry Shortcake book!:)
I love your use of the shutter, window and cupboard door! What a great idea.
Jill is lying again. The Cuddler chair in the living room was 599. Just letting you know.
Hello Jill - nice to meet ya! I love your room. It definitely is a cozy, comfy cottage! Thank you for sharing.
Very cute! You know I love your house already!!!
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