Monday, February 22, 2016

a few of my favorite things

right now: 

 This is the day cream I'm using.  I love the way it smells and love the way it feels.
 Also this face wash.  I'm actually loving this whole line, these are just my two favorites.  Now that I'm 36 (eek middle aged) I'm on a real regimen for the first time since high school.  I've always been a big fan of Mary Kay. 
 I want to take a bath in this perfume!  It came in my friend's Birchbox and she gave it to me.  It also sold me on Birchbox.  I signed up today.
I've been off the dairy wagon for awhile now and this tastes yummy in my coffee. 
These. Shoes.  
Amazon sent them to me today and they are cute!

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