Monday, April 4, 2011


1.  Nate has not changed a single diaper yet.
Not one.  
I just realized this today.  
Yes, he does work 75 hours a week so he isn't home all that much, but come on, he has Sundays off.  I'm going on strike on Sunday.  

2.  Extreme couponing.
Not the TV show, but really doing it.
We had the best, best, best speaker at our MOPS group on Friday that gave us step by step instructions on how to get your groceries for practically free or even totally free.  It's not even hard to do.  I can't wait to get started.  

3.  Even though my son throws up all the way to his soccer game, he can still manage to score 2 goals.  

4.  I also just realized today that I'm NOT PREGNANT anymore and I can eat cookie dough again!  I'm making some right now!
Now I'm eating it...heaven, I tell you, heaven, heaven, heaven!
I don't think I'm going to be back to my prepregnancy weight any time soon!

5.  August officially has an outie.  
6.  Just another reason I can't leave him unattended in a room with a 4 year old. 

6 witty remarks:

Melinda G. said...

Awww! He so cute. His color looks so much better too! I hope you'll bring by the office for a visit so we can see him again. We miss you!

Denissa said...

HAHA!! Yep those 4yo like to share! Stinkers..

Anonymous said...

"for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake." 1 Corinthians 11:9

Kelli W said...

Seriously how cute is he?? LOL at the necklace:) And yay for cookie dough!

Laurie said...

Can you do a blog post on extreme couponing! I also cannot wait to have cookie dough!!! He is sooo adorable....well done!!!

TLF said...

Extreme Couponing!!! I need to get on this bandwagon! I need some tips!