Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Recent Discoveries

1. If I act like a big baby/brat, I can get people to leave me comments. Thanks for showing me your love, I feel better now. My hissy fit is now over.

2. Seriously, it is night crawler mating season. For some reason I thought worms just could get cut in half and become two worms so it didn't really take a male and female to reproduce, but let me tell you they are reproducing every night. When I'm out on my slug hunts, I have to break up so many boning worms! It's really just immoral what they are doing out there.

3. So I always buy the store brand of things because I am cheap-o (except for Heinz ketchup, Charmin toilet paper, and Clorox wipes). Well now I have a new one to add to my list-Pillsbury crescent rolls. I always used the store brand (of course) and just thought all refrigerator rolls were that type of quality. Well they are not. The store brand rips and gets stuck together and makes for crappy looking rolls. But the Pillsbury brand are fab.u.lous. I'll never go back.

4. Porter can open the childproof lid on his (store brand) vitamins. What? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? He is a child. Um okay.

5. ON DEMAND. Yes I think I'm the last person to get this genius invention. I'm crazy addicted to it. I can watch Tori & Dean, Jon & Kate (don't get me started on them), and Juno anytime I want-even at 1 AM, and I have! Yes, they are reruns but I can watch them whenever I want! Love it!

8 witty remarks:

The Fair Family Times said...

Hey! I'm here and I laughed. Great post!

Jessica said...

"hey I'm here and I'm reading this." :)

Sara said...

Oh girl, you need to learn the art of serious "couponing" and you'll be able to buy more of the name brands for less than the store brands. Check out some of my coupon links on my sidebar.

Macey said...

Maybe the worms are married, then it's less immoral...? Sick.

Anonymous said...

Carson can get his vitamins open too! Usually, though it's because I didn't spin the lid to make sure it's completely child locked. Try that & see if it works.


Anonymous said...

"hey I'm here and I'm reading this." :) Toooooo funny!

gubbygubs said...

You are soooo funny!I giggle EVERY time I read this!

Em said...

I am trying to get all my friends to hook up the "on demand" feature - isn't it awesome! My daughter was recently in the hospital (read my post) and they put one of those finger heart monitors on her and it lit up and the nurse asked if she ever watched ET and of course I am a horrible parent and she had not (the shame!) and so we went home and boom, there it was on demand!