Tuesday, July 27, 2010


1. School supply shopping!  
Yesterday was our first experience and it was SO MUCH fun picking out the little scissors and brand new sharp crayons.  Walmart is selling a 24 pack of Crayola crayons for 25 cents!  I can't believe it.  I was a little disappointed to find out that Kinders don't need a pink eraser.  That was always my favorite school supply.

2.  Simply Lemonade raspberry lemonade
I'm thirsty all.the.time and this is the only thing that sounds good.

3.  Watching my little fishies at swimming lessons 

4.  Getting rid of crap and making $$$
I'm having a garage sale this weekend and I have purged this house like never before.

5.  Photo organization
Last week I put every photo in this house in chronological order in albums and stacked them neatly in my armoire.  Now I just have over 600 on my camera to print out.

6.  Sno-cones!

7.  Watching these boys dominate at basketball camp

4 witty remarks:

Erin C. said...

You're thirsty all the time?! Hmm....;)
Erin C.
p.s. see ya Fri for your garage sale! I hope you have lots of boy stuff!

Shannan Martin said...

I'll be kindergarten shopping in no time flat. Eeek!

ps- I'll second that emotion on the Simply Raspberry Lemonade.

Leah said...

Wow aren't you productive! That's so crazy that the crayons were so cheap, I remember having so much fun school shopping so I know I will love that with my kids!
Your kids are so so cute!

-G- said...

Feel free to buy extra pink erasers and ship them to me! That's always the first thing we run out of in my classroom for some reason! Those and the multi-colored erasers that go on top of pencils. LOL.

Your kids are SO cute. I know people must say that all the time, but I think it every single time I see them in a post. :)