You know what?
I am only having one 30th birthday party so I can post a million pictures. Besides I really, really love looking at them and humming "Jessie's Girl" in my head.
The party was totally awesome and turning 30 is pretty rad!
(Me) The 80's Prom Queen

My Prom Date

I heart DeAnn. 4-Ever.


Kasey, the 80's Lady

Brandy & Cole

Sweatin' to the Oldies!

Lynsey & Steve

My Favorite Mommies!

Prom Dancing

This is how much Tyler loves me.
The 80's Dad & Mom
(Chris & Lindsey)

Jon & Ellen

Tennis anyone?

The one and only DeAnn (and Steve)
Brett Michaels & his Groupie
(Frank & Melinda)

Gary brought the coke. (It's flour, people.)

Magnum PI & Joan Jett
(Jason & Jodi)

Justin & Samantha
"Might as well face it you're addicted to love."
Seth & Jane Anne

The Ladies of Oral Surgery

"Let's get physical, physical"

Richard & Katie

Crockett & Joe Dirt
(Derek & Josh)

Dance Off
Thank you to all of my friends for totally getting into the theme
and making my night so much fun!
I have the BEST friends!
I love you guys!
7 witty remarks:
Looks like an awesome party!
I heart the cake. And the Sweatin' to the Oldies couple! :)
I am a little sad that my photo didn't make it in the line-up, but I am hoping that maybe I had some hot pink lipstick on my teeth or something and you were just trying not to embarass me, as if that was possible with blue eye shadow up to my eyebrows..... It was a great party!!
Happy 30th
That looks like so much fun.
ha ha that was seriously amazing! what a fun party! you guys know how to have a good time.
You are SO much fun! Be sure to pass on DeAnn that all of my friends love her cake.
Where can I find a woman like that? Ok I haven't gotten that song out of my head since your party. We had SO much fun. We really need another night out like this one. Happy 30th to you!!
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