Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving dishes

Hey, look at that!  I'm back for a second day in a row!  Go me!  I've got my Thanksgiving shopping list ready to go and I'm hitting WalMart this morning for the last time before Christmas.  I'm 98% done with Christmas shopping, just a couple more things to grab online.  Yay for not dealing with the Christmas shopper craziness and just enjoying the magic of the season!  Go me again! 

Here is what has been requested for me to bring to Thanksgiving dinner this year:

(I'm adding crumbled bacon in mine!)

Plus a veggie tray, but do you really need a picture of that? 



  1. Can you share your butternut squash/brussel sprout recipe?

  2. Hey Sharon, if you click on the name of the food, it takes you to the recipe! :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Yum! That jalapeno cheese dip looks delish!


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