Wednesday, July 27, 2011


1.  having a clear memory card and actual photos printed out and organized in albums specifically for each child.  It's one of the best feelings I can think of really. 

2.  When Brooklyn peppers her rants with the word "apparently" which she pronounces "imparently".

3.  Pinterest.  Do I really need to say more?

4.  my first Zulily order: the cutest monogrammed shortalls for the Gus man. 

5.  the massage I received at my friend's brand new place Kneading Relief.  Ahhhhhhh for 30 minutes.  I need much longer next time!

6.  All the free baby food I'm scoring with my coupons even though my baby won't actually eat it for a few months.  

7.  This kid
(and we thought Brooklyn was the performer in the family!)

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