Thursday, February 10, 2011

sweet sundaes for your valentines

I was looking around for some cute, different Valentine treats and I spotted a vintage Valentine party on Kara's Party Ideas.  I get so many fun party planning ideas from her!  LOVE her.  Anyway I knew her candy sundaes would be perfect teacher treats for the special teachers in my kids' lives. 
I started with some sundae glasses from Walmart.
Then filled them with Valentine M&M's.  (Luckily I bought extra because I ended up eating a bunch myself.)
You can buy these foam spheres already cut in half.  Just hot glue them to the rim of the glass.
Then the fun part.  Start gluing taffy onto the foam.
Keep gluing and gluing and gluing.
And when you're done, stick a straw in it. 

We're almost ready for the school parties next week!


  1. Such a cute idea! I still haven't started working on teachers gifts yet!

  2. Those are so cute!! Where did you find the taffy?

  3. Very cute! And I see sundae glasses like that all the time at Goodwill too. Very creative!


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